Like preparation for any test in life, having a clear idea of what are components on which you are judged gives you the clear picture of how to prepare for the test. Thus, you can pass the test with flying colours. We at TCT Driving School, the Best Driving school in Blacktown are here to provide you a meticulous guide about the parameters on which you are judged in your driving test.
driving test in New South Wales consists of 25 zones which are broadly
categorized into 5 categories:
• Speed management (S)
• Road positioning (P)
• Decision making (D)
• Responding to hazards (H)
• Vehicle control (C)
Under Low-Risk Driving
Further components are divided to Speed Management, Road Positioning, Decision Making.
In case of Speed Management
You shall be adjudged on how much distance you are keeping with the vehicle in front of your vehicle where you are expected to keep a three-second avoidance space and it should be further increased in case of poor conditions such as rain etc. Also, stoppage distance: where you are expected to keep a distance between two to three car lengths.
You shall be adjudged on the speed at which cross blind corners, blocked intersections, your driving in poor weather conditions. Also, the speed at which you cross speed humps or chicanes is important.
In case of Road Positioning
While passing through another vehicle you should keep a space of one meter from other vehicles and hazards. Also, you should allow parked vehicles to open doors and allow clearance from vehicles moving in the opposite lane.
While taking a left turn on an unmarked road you are expected to approach the road as far left as possible and while taking a left turn on a laned road, the turn should from the left side of the road. While taking a right turn you should approach the right lane or any marked right lane. Other key areas include how you maneuver through roundabout.
In case of maneuver that you are expected to do, include: a kerb side stop, a hill start, a three-point turn and parking of various types.
A Kerb Side Stop is characterized by a stoppage near the kerb where the distance between the car and kerb is less than 50 cm however your car shouldn’t touch the kerb.
A hill start is characterized by starting your car and moving forward on a inclined area where your car shouldn’t move back more than 50 cm.
A three-point turn is characterized by turning your car however a maximum of 5 different changes in direction are allowed.
In case of parking, reverse parallel parking or parking at an angle may be asked to perform depending upon the availability. While parking at angles, it is expected that you park as closely to the practical angle as possible while also keeping a distance where the other parked car can open their door easily. While reverse parallel parking, only four steering maneuvers are allowed. This is again done by checking the right and the left mirrors while parking.
In case of decision making
While taking any turn you should keep a safe distance in traffic thereby not affecting the crashing avoidance distance of other vehicles. As a rule of thumb, you should wait for at least five seconds before leaving the kerb or a parked position.
Also, while approaching a traffic signal which is green, you should check your mirrors and be prepared to stop.
In case of crossing intersections that do not have a clear vision of the road up ahead, you are to stop correctly at the ‘stop line’ and you could move forward to have a clear vision of the road ahead provided you do not hinder the path of other vehicles or pedestrians.
conclusion, if you follow these basics which are mentioned, you should be able
to pass the test easily and get your license. As mentioned above these are the
basics which you are expected to know in practise to clear the driving test. If
you are someone who feels a little overwhelmed on reading the requirements
about clearing the driving test or maybe someone who would like to brush up
their skills, before giving the test. You can contact the Best Driving School in Blacktown TCT Driving School, we shall be more
than happy to help you understand these things so that you can earn your
driver’s license in no time!!
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